Monday, March 18, 2013

Visual Studio 2010 Serial Key

visual studio 2010 serial key - visual studio 2010 product key


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Client side and Server side scripting

Advantages and Disadvantages of Client side and Server side scripting

Clients side scripting are processed by client browser. The advantage of client side scripting is that a web server is able to process the request of clients quickly because the server is not burdened with the overhead of processing scripts. There is distribution of work between the client and the web server, and faster processing of requests. As a result, the web server can cater to more users. However, a disadvantages of client side scripting is that contents of web pages displayed to different users may be different . In addition, client side scripting are browser specific. Client side scripting can be stop by disabling javascripts

In contrast to client side scripting and server side scripting ensure that the contents of page displayed to different users are the same. In addition server side scripts possess the following adavantages.

  • Enable web application to access databases fast
  • Enable you to use templates for creating HTML documents, in which the contents of web page are reterived from data sources, such as databases and text files. The contents are inserted in to html documents dynamically and displayed to users. As a result you do not need to manually change the content of web pages.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Objects in Asp

Objects in Asp
Today we are going to discuss about what is objects in asp.and types of
    objects in asp is an instance of class
The list of objects in asp are

Response    : - The  Response object in asp is used to send output to the user from the server.
Request      :- The Request object in asp is used to get information from a visitor.
Application : - The Application object in asp is used to tie these files together.
session       :- The session objects in asp stores information about users
Server       : - its is used to get methods and properties of server

Thursday, May 10, 2012

server side date validation Asp

There may be situation when u need to do Server Side Date Validation

Asp server side validation
Data needs to be validate at server side because client side can be stop by disabling javascript.
server side validation is validation which get executed when page is posted
on server. But it is good practice to use both server side and client side
valition in Application.
Below example shows how to do Server Side Date Validation

1) Copy the below code in text file and save it as ServersideDatevalidation.asp

Function ValidDate(DateFormat)
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "^(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|([3][0-1]))[-](([0-9])|([0-0][0-9])|([0-1][0-2]))[-]\d{4}quot;
If not re.Test(DateFormat) Then
ErrorMsg="Invalid Date"
End If
End Function

Function CompareDate(FromDate1,ToDate1)
Dim arrfr,arrto
arrfr = split(FromDate1,"-")
ToDate1 =cDATE(ToDate1)
if ToDate1 <> "" and FromDate1 <> "" then
if datediff("d",date(),FromDate1) > 0 then
ErrorMsg="From date should not be future date"
elseif datediff("d",date(),ToDate1) > 0 then
ErrorMsg="To date should not be future date"
elseif datediff("d",ToDate1,FromDate1) > 0 then
ErrorMsg="From date should not be greater than To date"
end if
ErrorMsg= "To Date and/or From date should not be blank"
end if
End Function

2) now u can include the above file and use it the below mention manner..
if Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_METHOD") = "POST" THEN
StrErrDis = ""
StrErrDis= ValidDate(Request.Form("txtfromopen"))
StrErrDis = StrErrDis & ValidDate(Request.Form("txttoopen"))

if StrErrDis = "" then
end if

If StrErrDis <> "" Then
txtErr_message = StrErrDis
Response.Write StrErrDis
End If


Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to insert a hyperlink in Outlook Web Access

How to insert a hyperlink in Outlook Web Access
Select the text for which you want to create a hyperlink and use the CTRL+ L keyboard short-cut key to bring up the hyperlink dialog box which lets you insert or change a hyperlink in the text.